Saturday, June 20, 2009

Try to watch this video without laughing

Hey guys, i've found 1 video on youtube with the title " try to watch this without laughing or grinning" and i actually laughed...try it it's really funny

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Kena tagged by yong teng

1)The person who tagged you is: Yong Teng

2)Your relationship with him/her is: Friends

3)Your first impression of him/her is : Bad boy!!

4) The most memorable moments with them: Not sure....

5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is: Nothing

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will... : ask him is he gay??

7) If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve at: No such thing...

8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do: I don't know... it DEPENDS

9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be: how can he be my enemy?

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: Nothing i guess...

11) Your overall impression on him/her: Okay okay lah...

12) The characteristic you love most about yourself: playful!!!

13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself: Don't know

14) The most ideal person you want to be is: Don't know

15) For people who care and love you, say something to them: Thank you??

Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you.

1. Alycia
2. Yong Teng(again!!!!! darn you)
3. Natalie Chong
4. Szen
5. Bryan Ang
6. Eunise
7. Hu Yi Lin
8. Rufina
9. Atiqah
10. Whoever that reads this Tag

17) Who is 6 having a relationship with? Ask her yourself

18) Is 9 a male or a female? : Female

19) What is 2 studying at the moment? : Call his phone and ask him!!

20) Who was the last person you had a chat with? : The person who tagged me

21) What kind of music does 8 like ? Ask her yourself

22) Does 1 have any siblings? Ask her yourself

23) Is 4 single? : Yeah...

24) What's the surname of 6? Ling

25) What's the hobby of 5 ? Walk up to him and ask him personally

26) Do 7 and 9 get along well? Are you telling me that both of them are .......

27) Where is 10 studying at? : Somewhere in earth..

28) Say something casual about your eyes : Wow

29) Have you tried developing feelings for 2? NOOO!!

30) Where does 9 live? I'm not a stalker...

31) What colour does 4 like? Don't know..

32) Are 5 and 1 good friends : Maybe..


34) How did u get to know 8 ? Same class

35) Does 1 have any pets? Don't know..

36) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world: No...

37) Are you sexy?: Ask my friends

38) What am i doing now?: Ending this long post that wasted my time ... (coz of yong teng)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

OMG Racism in school guess what Tao Juen scolded Jaspreet??

Lol...i'll tell you what happened. When Geography lesson I think ( not sure what lesson is it but anyway don't care) Jaspreet accidently walk past Tao Juen's table and knock his table... then Tao Juen starts scolding this word to Jaspreet: "Stupid turban!" LOL!! how racist don't you guys think??? So Jaspreet turned back and asked Tao Juen what did he say and of course Tao Juen apologized o.O

But when Jaspreet was walking back to his seat, Lawrence starts scolding the same thing to him hahahah then Jaspreet almost strangled him =.= poor boy hahah ok it's enough i gtg

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My plant =)

Hey guys!! Tell you something really funny.... about what i did to my plant (science project) :D Okay, here it is.

Yesterday Cik Norliza asked us to bring our science project which is the plant thingy because she wants 2 see our result. Okay, after seeing some people's project she starts telling the class to throw the plant or keep it. And of course!! I choose to throw it!!! :D Ok... after when i get back from recess i went back to class and guess what i did to my plant before throwing them when i go home??

Alright, I'll tell you. I actually smash it like a pancake and pull it roots out of the cotton... and starts shaking the whole box like those people shake the wine in wedding dinner..... so the whole plant actually flew out of the box... and the container was upside down..

Ok, enough of talk and at the end i throw them away into the big rubbish bin so it can rest in peace XDXD No more torture to them hahahahahah :D

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A video

Here is the video about Russell Peters in Italy

2 tuitions a day

Okay i'm back now at last (not really actually, because i have another tuition to go!!!). Okay let me tell you guys... i have 2 tuitions on saturday itself (4 hours total) and it really sucks because the first tuition is at 1.15-3.00 then i can finally break for 1 hour after that 4.00-6.00 pm another one how sad T.T don't u guys think?? Ah so during 3.00-4.00pm guess what i do??

Cant guess??

Still cant guess??

Scroll down to see the answer..

Okay!! i'll tell you!!! during that time i play computer game!! And usually during that time my mother will scold me =.= For some reason ( I think you know what i meant) Lol ok i gtg AGAIN for the next "course"

Earth hour

Well, today 8.30pm - 9.30pm is earth hour as everybody know that (you should know ) which majority people will switch off their lights during that time. But how many people will do it? For me, I think 70% of people in earth will do so including me o.O. So are you guys going to switch off your lights too?? If possible, just switch them off, it's just 1 hour it isn't that long. Okay i gtg tuition (the thing that nobody likes !!)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did i scare you?

Lol one video for you guys!!

What to say?

Okay as mentioned in the title : WHAT TO SAY?. I really don't know what i should write in here so maybe this will be a rubbish post ?? o.O So have you guys planted the green bean seeds for science? For myself, i just started planting it 2 days ago (i know it's late) and it still not yet i was wandering whether the seeds are spoiled or what but today it has grow!!!! So i won't have to keep wandering anymore =) Okay i'll stop here and to Mr.Yong ( real name is Lim Yong Teng ) I've tried posting something haha so you happy?