Sunday, August 29, 2010


I just had an outing on Friday (27th of August)......It was so fun...especially with the Geylang people =D (Yong Teng, Marcus, Timothy and Tao Juen). I tumpang-ed Yong Teng's car to go 1u...we reached there at 11+. When we reached...we found Tao Juen and Timothy already in the arcade playing, so we joined in.

After playing until 1+, we had lunch at THE CHICKEN RICE SHOP. The bill came out to be RM 70.05 =D. Then, we went to watch Phua Chu Kang movie and we laughed a lot as there were many funny parts in the show. It is the best hokkien show of year 2010 man !!! =)...

I went home and took a bath...then here i am infront of the computer =)...

Got to go.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sir Jarahhh aka stupid

Sir Jarah is known as sejarah. He is stupid and always makes people memorise him during exam period. He will be forgetten after that =).

WHEN HE IS ANGRY.....HE MAKES YOU SCREW UP DURING HIS PAPER. So, basically i got screwed during sejarah paper =)....I hate you Sir Jarahhh xD.

I just hope Mr.Geo is not so cruel as Mr.Jarah.

LOL i created so many names =D.....Got to go. Bye

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trials exam....PMR

I just hope trial exam or even PMR will be over now...
And i am having fun with friends....
I can just forget about how stress it is studying.....
I can even be free from pressure....
How nice it is if everything is over now....

It will never be over if i never worked for it.....
Well, i think i should really stop daydreaming and hope for something that i couldn't get...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Try this game

Wow...this game is not bad =D


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Video i found

Hey guys...i found a video about this comedian...Douglas Lim...he really makes me laugh it is:


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Complicated politics =D

There is so many politics
In the world
Nobody could stop playing politics....
Just to get get something
Or wants everybody to follow what they wants.

Why must human be like that?
Cant they just GIVE IN sometimes?
Why must they be the ONLY person
That give orders?
WHY cant they just listen to some people often?

Is it really that hard to give in
And not play politics?
Yeah, i think so...
Because EVERYBODY wants to win?


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just a little things to say

Well, today in school's PJ time...many funny things happen. One of them was that when we were playing handball, Boon Kuan (goal keeper and was in the opposite team of mine) asked Jen Fai (his teammate) to pass back the ball to him...Jen Fai accidentally shot the ball into the goal and we were so happy because Jen Fai help us to get free score.

After for some time again, one of our teammate was kicked or something like that in the stomache near our goal and couldn't stand up, so all of the opposite team's people ran over to our side (leaving their goal free to shoot..means nobody was guarding it) and see how is he....and while they were all looking at his condition...somebody just shouted "START GAME" and so...i was the first person to get the ball...then i quickly pass to Brandon and we sprinted all the way form one end to another and Brandon actually took the field as a bowling alley...he just "bowled" the bola baling right into the goal ... then we all laughed so hard but the opposite team was quite feeling angry and wanted to "DABAO" us hahahah...

After school, Yong Teng, Marcus and I went to Yu Yie (or something like that) to have lunch. Then after that we went back to Yong Teng's house and play SDO ( Super Dancer Online) before going to badminton and i tried to play 1 song...but i didn't get used to his at the end i just GAME OVER. I feel so paiseh @@.

Yeah just like that >_> LOL.

Ok, gtg.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Learn to face it

There is so many things i should learn to face....

When theres a problem, we should face it and not try to escape it @@. For example, when i am in DOTA, there is noob teammates...i should learn to accept them and cooperate them and not keep blaming them. And i even tried to left i can escape from looking at how suck they play...But after i keep thinking...i realize that i do those things is wrong because no matter how bad or how noob they play...we should just accept it and face the truth.

Secondly, my class was moved to the cabins in the field...I should not just skip school cause of that reason. Because at the end...i still have to go to school and face it...


I am off to sleep now. See ya guys.

My class will have peace

Well, today i didnt go school, same with my friends Yong Teng and Marcus. So, as what the title said, MY CLASS WILL HAVE PEACE hahaha...not quite true cause there is still 1 amigo in class : Tao Juen TEH IMBA JOKER >_> . But at least it wont be as gila as yesterday's because we were there =D . So, now i am going to play games and enjoy myself rather than going to school and suffer in that shit cabins.

I hope the people in cabins will not suffer from the stupid stuffy and hot weather =D .

Off to gaming time, see you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Long time no see

So...people....its been a long time my blog has been dead.....BUT!! Im here to revive it =D . Well, in school was kinda suck...coz our class were forced to move to the stupid cabins in the middle of the field.

I got so much entertainment from Yong Teng, Marcus, Tao Juen due to some of their funny action....and even got teacher's attention ( i think) . They threw paper to the ventilation fan....and i even stucked 1 paper into the fan and stopped it from spinning !! OMG that actually scared me =D but Tao Juen saved me =). Thanks to those people from cheering my day and I WONT GO SCHOOL TOMORROW !! DARN U SCHOOL.

See ya next time...Got to go . =D