Sunday, March 29, 2009

A video

Here is the video about Russell Peters in Italy

2 tuitions a day

Okay i'm back now at last (not really actually, because i have another tuition to go!!!). Okay let me tell you guys... i have 2 tuitions on saturday itself (4 hours total) and it really sucks because the first tuition is at 1.15-3.00 then i can finally break for 1 hour after that 4.00-6.00 pm another one how sad T.T don't u guys think?? Ah so during 3.00-4.00pm guess what i do??

Cant guess??

Still cant guess??

Scroll down to see the answer..

Okay!! i'll tell you!!! during that time i play computer game!! And usually during that time my mother will scold me =.= For some reason ( I think you know what i meant) Lol ok i gtg AGAIN for the next "course"

Earth hour

Well, today 8.30pm - 9.30pm is earth hour as everybody know that (you should know ) which majority people will switch off their lights during that time. But how many people will do it? For me, I think 70% of people in earth will do so including me o.O. So are you guys going to switch off your lights too?? If possible, just switch them off, it's just 1 hour it isn't that long. Okay i gtg tuition (the thing that nobody likes !!)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Did i scare you?

Lol one video for you guys!!

What to say?

Okay as mentioned in the title : WHAT TO SAY?. I really don't know what i should write in here so maybe this will be a rubbish post ?? o.O So have you guys planted the green bean seeds for science? For myself, i just started planting it 2 days ago (i know it's late) and it still not yet i was wandering whether the seeds are spoiled or what but today it has grow!!!! So i won't have to keep wandering anymore =) Okay i'll stop here and to Mr.Yong ( real name is Lim Yong Teng ) I've tried posting something haha so you happy?